Ever Fresh is a brand-new body odor neutralizing supplement composed of natural, plant-derived ingredients, chlorophyllin, parsley, and peppermint.

Each of us has our own unique scent, and nobody can completely free themselves from all body odors. Body odor includes sweat, which can begin to smell when bacteria break down proteins in the sweat glands; the result of this process is what often leaves a stinky scent wafting in the air. Two types of glands are responsible for our smelly sweat: eccrine glands found all over the body and that open directly onto the skin, and apocrine glands, which are mostly found in our armpits and groin area and release through hair follicles. The amount of sweat and the smell these glands release is different for all of us and can change based on weather, exercise, diet, diseases, weight, genetics, hormones, and more, giving us all a unique sweat profile that's constantly changing.
Did you catch a whiff of curiosity? We're here to take care of all your scent-related questions. Please reach out to us at any time to inquire or find more information. Contact us today, and we'll be in touch within 24 hours.